
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

Having picked up the Song of Ice and Fire book series after watching season 1 of the HBO show Game of Thrones, I really liked how Melisandre was portrayed in the books, so when some friends invited me to be a part of their GoT group for Dragoncon, I went with her because her color scheme could be easily recognized and I enjoyed her mysterious personality. I enjoyed taking photos up in the mountains, reflecting the story of her time in the North.

I based her costume off of book descriptions because I found her series costumes less elegant, but was also mindful of staying in the dark red color range so it didn’t look gimmicky. The entire costume was patterned by me and made in about three days, though I like it despite being a bit of a rush job. The bodice was made out of varying interfaced panels of dupioni silk and velvet, with the sleeves, cloak and cowl out of taffeta and lined with organza. The necklace was made by me out of numerous red crystals, I wish it photographed better to show detail.